""Writing is an exploration. You start from nothing and learn as you go."

Monday, July 11, 2016



We'll do it all
On our own
We don't need
Or anyone
If I lay here
If I just lay here
Would you lie with me and just forget the world?
I don't quite know
How to say
How I feel
Those three words
Are said too much
They're not enough
If I lay here
If I just lay here
Would you lie with me and just forget the world?
Forget what we're told
Before we get too old
Show me a garden that's bursting into life
Let's waste time
Chasing cars
Around our heads
I need your grace
To remind me
To find my own
If I lay here
If I just lay here
Would you lie with me and just forget the world?

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

July 7, 2015. 21:23 PM.

hai hai hai hai :)

in the mood for writing stories, i guess~
lagi mencoba mempelajari hal hal baru nih, and i feel blessed. alhamdulillah.
well, for now i'm trying to improve myself and i'm really excited with new things :D
and feel curious to see how i'm going to do, we'll see!

kalo lagi antusias gini, jadi inget masa-masa kelam dulu.
waktu gue masih kecil tuh CUPU b a n g e t. cupu dalam artian: gak berani.
gak berani gimana? wah parah deh, masa iya gue mau naik bombom car aja nangis?
capek banget gaksih hahaha ketawa aja sih kalo nostalgia, dipikir pikir ya sabar juga emak gue ngurusin anak kaya gue..

dannn sekarang gue lagi les speaking impressively di talk inc, yang hari ini lagi ngomongin tentang passion.
disaat lo dikelilingi orang orang yang mempunyai passion berbeda beda, rasanya jadi...idk i feel enthusiastic to improving my painting skills (again).

dipikir lagi, mumpung liburan kayagini dan punya waktu luang, kenapa enggak?
yahhh semoga dapet jam&tanggal yang pas ya, karena nyari les di waktu liburan kayagini juga kadang suka nggak sinkron tanggalnya, atau tiba tiba aja pas ngecek eh tanggalnya udah kelewat. akhirnya malah jadi nyesel. kan sebel. kaya ayang cempaka workshop nih huft gue kelewat, udah full semua tanggal&jam nya....bete :( ah udah jangan dibahas lagi harus ikhlas.

haha welllll intinya sih mau sharing aja kalo lagi antusias dan lagi ada mood buat writing,
but it's already 10:50 PM and i have to sleep like rite now, karena besok harus saur jam 4 pagi jadiiiiiiiii next time lagi ya ceritanya :) ciao!

Sunday, March 8, 2015

If I had a pair of wings
I'd pick you up and fly you far away from here
And you'd put your worries upon my shoulders, my dear
Now I know I can't save you
From the troubles of the world
And this sounds like such a silly thing
But if I could I'd fly you away
On a big old pair of wings

And if I had a pair of wings
I'd pick you up and fly you far away from here
And we'd fly so high up in the sky
Where the stars are so clear
And then I could save you
From the troubles of the world
And all you'd have to pack is your heart to bring
And there we are, you and me
Flying on a big old pair of wings

We keep getting older, the world keeps getting colder
Tell me when did we lose our way?
It's so hard not to lose your mind in such crazy days
But if I had one wish I know what I'd wish for
There's only one thing that'll do
I'd fly away on this pair of wings with you
If I had a pair of wings
I'd scoop you up we'd fly away and disappear
Then you could put your worries upon my shoulders, my dear
And I know I can't save you
From the troubles of the world
I know this sounds like such a silly thing
But if I could I'd fly you away
On a big old pair of wings


Sunday, January 4, 2015

i woke up single


yeeeeah. sudah lama sekali tidak benar benar 'single'.
kalo dipikir pikir rasanya aneh juga.....
well, nevermind

sebenernya sampe tanggal 26 Januari sih harusnya... tapi ada tahap 2 latihan dasar Arsitektur Hijau.
1 minggu ke kampung. well... agak mengganggu liburan tapi gapapa, wish me luck!

daaaaan hm.
gue agak bingung sebenernya..
ha ha ha
bingung apa jeji? gatau ah gajelash.
udah ah.. ntar baper, ribet.

Saturday, December 27, 2014


being ignored.
not being wanted.
not feeling right.
just, everything...